hGrace Moran, LMHC, CVRS
Grace is a Licensed Mental Health and Rehabilitation Counselor in Sarasota County who specializes in Vocational Rehabilitation and treating trauma-based mental illnesses and injuries. For the last 20 years, she has provided mental health and vocational rehabilitation services to many agencies including the local foster care system, the Department of Veterans Affairs Bay Pines, Domestic Violence, and Sexual Violence agencies in both Manatee and Sarasota counties and in her private practice. In her role at the VA she worked directly with Veterans in obtaining suitable stable and gainful employment by performing labor market research, job analysis, transferrable skills analysis, case management, career counseling, financial counseling, evaluating Functional Capacity Evaluations, proctoring and scoring interest, aptitude and ability testing, and assisting Veterans in enrolling in and completing training programs. She provided leadership and mentorship to Veterans creating self-employed business and marketing plans and conducted viability analyses of business plans. She supervised Certifying Officials from over 12 different colleges, universities and technical schools. She received her Master’s Degree in Vocational Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling from the University of South Florida in 2008.